2024 Summer Release

“Grow what belongs here, and be patient.” Colleen McGlynn

Good things can come from sliding into a stranger's DMs...

Let’s take it back, way back, to 2018 when John Krutsinger was in Napa and tasted a wine that altered his course. John and his family had recently purchased a plot of land near Columbia State Historic Park, at 2200' elevation in Springfield. With big dreams of planting a vineyard and running a regenerative farm full of biodiveristy, John, Sarah and their son, Johnny, had quite the adventure ahead of them.

They originally planned to plant Barbera but when John tasted a Charbono at T-Vine winery from the historic Frediani vineyard in Calistoga everything changed. The winemaker who made the wine that sparked this newfound passion? None other than Bertus.

Filled with curiosity and determination, John DM'd Bertus to see if he wanted to chat. One thing led to another and on New Years Day 2020, on our way back from Yosemite National Park, we visited the property for the first time. We immediately knew that this had the makings to become something incredibly special.

With fewer than 100 acres planted in the US, Charbono is critically endangered and sourcing planting material is nearly impossible. John's efforts paid off when he miraculously secured 30 own-rooted, disease-free plants from Foundation Plant Services (the only 30 plants that existed in the entire country). He then persuaded a local nursery to propagate these 30 mother vines, so they had 550 vines to plant.

By May of 2020, the vineyard was ready to be planted and we were honored to be a part of the special day. Alongside friends and family, we lovingly helped the Krutsingers get the vines into the ground. The property had been meticulously prepared under the guidance of the late vineyard expert, Stephen Collum, who always saw the potential for greatness in the Sierra Foothills. We are deeply grateful for the time we spent working with and learning from him.

2023 marked the first vintage and we are so excited to share the magic of this grape and the farming efforts of this family. A fresh and earthy expression, this is the perfect pasta / pizza wine. We look forward to seeing how this wine evolves as these vines mature.

As far as the regenerative farm, the Krutsingers have turned their dreams into reality and now produce olive oil, lavender soaps, honey, and wildflowers with the help of their son and their trusty vineyard workers, babydoll sheep Baby and Saucy.

So here's to chasing dreams, championing the underdog, and collaborations that create magic.

Stay open. Stay creative. Stay wild.

With love and gratitude,

Alli, Bertus, Margo, and Maddie